
Getting all of the Nutrients you need simply cannot be done without Agricultural products.

Bridan Global Integrated Resources Ltd is a safe Government-authorized international service provider registered in Nigeria and the United Kingdom.

+234 909 312 1113

Suite C31, Emmanuel Plaza, Plot 228, P.0.W Mofemi Crescent, Utoko, Abuja, Nigeria

Office Addressees

Suite C31, Emmanuel Plaza, Plot 228, P.0.W Mofemi Crescent, Utoko, Abuja, Nigeria

08 Keneniso Avenue, Yeko Sub City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

67—83 Norfolk Street Liverpool, England LV OBG

Phone Number

+44 740 443 5833
+251 91 047 4156
+234 909 312 1113
+234 706 349 4843

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